Winchester firefighter Logan Crigler smiling in his fire department uniform

Help Firefighter Logan Crigler on His Road to Recovery:

Help Firefighter Logan Crigler on His Road to Recovery:

Logan Crigler, a dedicated member of the Winchester Fire Department, started his full-time journey with the department on September 11, 2023. After completing a rigorous 14-week recruit class, he was assigned to shift duty in December 2023.

On May 29th, while on duty and assigned to Engine 1, Firefighter Crigler was engaged in multi-level fire hose advancements at the fire training center. During the training, Logan began feeling dizzy. Despite taking a break and undergoing rehab, his condition did not improve, leading to his transport to Clark Regional ER for evaluation. There, it was discovered that Logan had a 1.5-inch brain tumor.

Logan was immediately transferred to the University of Cincinnati for further testing and surgery. On June 1st, he underwent a 12-hour surgery to remove the tumor and spent the following six days in the ICU. He has since been moved to a step-down unit and is expected to enter a rehabilitation facility soon.

Logan faces a long and uncertain road to recovery. As he and his family navigate this challenging time, your support can make a significant difference. Any contributions to help cover medical expenses and support Logan's recovery are deeply appreciated.

Your Generosity Matters:

Today, we invite you to stand in solidarity with Logan and his loved ones by contributing to our fundraiser. Your donations will help alleviate the financial burden he will face.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate: Your generous donations directly assist Logan and his loved ones in navigating this difficult period.

  • Share: Spread the word about this fundraiser. Your outreach amplifies our collective support.

  • Join: Become a Yard Card Member to continue doing good.

The Power of Unity:

In times of need, our strength lies in our unity. Together, let's rally for him, ensuring he feels the warmth of our community.

It feels good to do good.

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