Help Support Bubba McClure and His Family After Devastating Fire

Help Support Bubba McClure and His Family After Devastating Fire

Bubba McClure has been a dedicated firefighter in Idaho for over 15 years, serving with IAFF Local 5327 in the Parma Rural Fire District, volunteering with the Ola Fire Department, and deploying to wildland fires with the Sand Hollow Fire District. Bubba and his family have deep roots in Ola, Idaho, where they live on their ranch.

On August 7th, 2024, Bubba was called back from his deployment on the Limepoint Fire to assist his community with fire protection. Upon returning home, he immediately joined forces with the Burea of Land Management and local mutual aid crews, working tirelessly to protect his neighbors' and friends' homes and lives.

The next afternoon, after fire crews were released for a brief rest period, the wind shifted unexpectedly. Bubba was awakened by the alarming news that the fire had returned, and in a harrowing moment, he narrowly escaped as his own house was engulfed in flames.

While the McClure family tragically lost their home, Bubba wants to express his deep gratitude to the local fire departments and firefighters. Thanks to their dedication, training, and hard work, only one house was lost to the Paddock Fire. Bubba also wants to emphasize the urgent need for more firefighters in Idaho and the United States.

Now, it's our turn to help Bubba and his family as they begin to rebuild their lives.

Your Generosity Matters:

Your generosity will help ease the immediate and future financial strain on the Family, allowing them to focus on rebuilding.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate: Your generous donations directly assist Bubba’s loved ones navigate this difficult period.

  • Share: Spread the word about this fundraiser. Your outreach amplifies our collective support.

  • Join: Become a Yard Card Member to continue doing good.

The Power of Unity:

In times of need, our strength lies in our unity. Together, let's rally for Bubba and his family, ensuring they feel the warmth of our community.

It feels good to do good.

If you want to leave kind words for the family, please be sure to check the box “DISPLAY YOUR DONATION AND COMMENT ON THE DONOR WALL.

This fundraiser is over. You can still help firefighters by becoming a Yard Card Member.


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